Monday, 28 March 2011

slow down...

So me and Mike are together now, yes he is my boyfriend and I'm so lucky because he is a totally lush guy. I met his parents yesterday (always something I totally freak out a bout). Partly bacause I normally end up saying the wrong thing, although I was suprisingly OK because I didn't say any thing bad (I don't think) I even kept my language to a minumum and lets face it if any one swears too much it's deffinitly me! Any how so I've been going out and hardcoreing it way too much and beggining to feel just slightly nakard so I intend to have an early one tonight. I guess I really need to actually be getting a job too, it might be a bright idea to do so! Any how good news on RC front because I am now going to the working class work shop on friday so that'll be good, give me a bit of time to get my head together. I suppose I have been feeling a bit weird latley. I guess me and Luke didn't broke up that long ago and yes we are still mates and I can't deny that Lukes suddenly not going to be in my life any more because he is in my life and I'm questioning this, is this fucked up? Or is that just me? I've spent the last 3 years of my life worrying a bout getting old and not having enough time to do things and for the 1st time I think to myself actually I am young and I have got my whole life ahead of me. Fuck it woman have kids at 40 these days. I've got 18 years till then, besides I'm not even sure if I even want any little shits yet. So Dad is officially a twat, but hey hold on didn't I already know that? Linda rung me and I didn't answer because I was still pissed that Dad hadn't returned my call from when I left him a message at work. Any how she left me a voicemail and I did ring back Saturday and apparently Dad was in the garden cough cough bullshit! He was meant to ring me back but that was 2 days ago and so I won't hold my breath. WOOP WOOP might be getting my tattoo this wednesday, and if not this wednesday it'll be the wednesday after oh yeah rock on!! Seriously I've been waiting for fucking long for this tattoo it's like not even funny. Nan has to see it. Changed my mind a bout the butterfly though. I am still going to get it but I've decided to get the Ivy (for nan) and the little flowers too and then when she dies I'll get the butterfly because then it's sort of like a symbol of her flying off into the sunset type thing, but she's not dead yet so it seems slightly inappropriate!! Any how not too much drama at the moment. Don't worry a bout that though this is me we're talking a bout give me a few weeks and I will entertain you with my naughty shinanigans ;-) love to all my followers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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